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Mostrando 1451 - 1460 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Trier par ordre croissant Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Heritage tourism development of the new situation intangible sports 2014 J.-B. Tu, M.-H. Zhou
Herramientas metodológicas para la gestión del patrimonio intangible. El caso del municipio de Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2014 Mercedes Mariano, María Endere, Carolina Mariano Revista Colombiana de Antropología
Guía de temas y géneros del archivo de Tradición Oral de Aragón 2014 Luis García, Mario Herrero
Heroes as heritage: the commoditization of sporting achievement. 2014 S. Gammon Journal of Heritage Tourism
Heritage of student and olympic games - Opportunity for investment and development 2014 M.M. Bariev Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury
Historia de una plaza. Una investigación estética, didáctica y política del patrimonio inmaterial 2014 María Delgado
Using process drama in museum theatre educational projects to reconstruct postcolonial cultural identities in Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan 2014 Wan-Jung Wang Ride-The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance
Wenshan Miao Wushu Inheritance and Development Strategy Research 2014 Song Minyong
How Does Superstition Become Intangible Cultural Heritage in Postsocialist China? 2014 Gao Bingzhong Positions-Asia critique
In-depth Study to the Domestic Origin of Taekkyeon 2014 Young Won, Jo Sungwon, 도기현 The Korean Society of Sports Science