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Mostrando 1471 - 1480 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Trier par ordre croissant Autor/a Revista / Editorial
The Importance of Safeguarding Malay Traditional Craftsmanship: A Review of Literature 2014 Nor Hamid, Jamil Jusoh
The Digitalized Protection and Inheritance of the Woodblock Printing Called “Jinling Sutra Printing” 2014 Huaidong Ge, Shuyang Deng Virtual Archaeology Review
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings: The Role of Music in Breaching the Barriers of the Box 2014 Daniel Sheehy Curator-the Museum Journal
Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en la era digital: la experiencia de Villa Mitre 3.0 2014 Lucía Cantamutto Apuntes: Revista de Estudios sobre Patrimonio Cultural - Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies
Sharing the divisions of the colonial past: an assessment of the Netherlands-Indonesia shared cultural heritage project, 2003-2006 2014 Cynthia Scott International Journal of Heritage Studies
Six years of experience in intangible heritage mediation in flanders (Belgium) 2014 L. Casteleyn, E. Janssens, J. Neyrinck Volkskunde
Sobre el topónimo Barañáin / Barañain 2014 Patxi. Zaratiegi Euskera: Euskaltzaindiaren lan eta agiriak
Seven Years of Implementing UNESCO’s 2003 Intangible Heritage Convention—Honeymoon Period or the “Seven-Year Itch”? 2014 Janet Blake International Journal of Cultural Property
How Does Superstition Become Intangible Cultural Heritage in Postsocialist China? 2014 Gao Bingzhong Positions-Asia critique
In-depth Study to the Domestic Origin of Taekkyeon 2014 Young Won, Jo Sungwon, 도기현 The Korean Society of Sports Science