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Mostrando 1481 - 1490 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Trier par ordre croissant Autor/a Revista / Editorial
ICHPEDIA, a case study in community engagement in the safeguarding of ICH online 2014 Park Soon-Cheol International Journal of Intangible Heritage
I-treasures and intangible cultural heritage education 2014 F. Pozzi, F. Dagnino, M. Ott, A. Antonaci
Implementación de estrategias organizacionales para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial de la fiesta del niño Jesús de Araira: Plan estratégico de participación, educación y cultura. Araira-Edo. Miranda-Venezuela. 2008-2012 2014 Ingrid Maldonado
How can work culture and heritage as mechanisms of exclusion? 2014 A. Ellis PASOS: Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
In the service of national culture Japanese preservation and its political context, 1871-1994 2014 B. Galli Future Anterior
How intangible heritage should contribute to sustainable development ofrural tourism: a case studyin the province of Cordoba, Andalusia (Spain) 2014 Rosa Fernández, María de la Torre Revista Turismo \& Desenvolvimento
Research and development of prop system based on Unity 3D 2014 X.-X. Yu, Y.-C. Peng, X.-Y. Huang Journal of Chengdu University of Technology (Science and Technology Edition)
History, memory and culture of indentured migrants: A comparative perspective 2013 A. Kumar, R.N. Tiwari Man in India
How participatory is participatory heritage management? the politics of safeguarding the Alevi Semah ritual as intangible heritage 2013 B. Aykan International Journal of Cultural Property
Identification/production of intangible heritage in Andaludia. An analysis through the case of the musketeers of the santísimo sacramento of béznar (Granada) 2013 De López, J.F.R. Ruiz Gazeta de Antropologia