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Mostrando 1221 - 1230 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Trier par ordre croissant Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Design and Realization of Manchu Intangible Cultural Heritage Digital Exhibition Center Based on VR Technology 2016 Junbo Dai, Lishu Zhang
Dian Opera Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Model to Explore 2016 Xianghong Tian
Defining Cultural Heritage among the Makonde of Tanzania 2016 Festo Gabriel
Digital Image Analysis of Wayang Kulit Movements 2016 Indraswari Kusumaningtyas, Gea Parikesit
Design Interactions in ?elewkw - Belongings 2016 Reese Muntean, Kate Hennessy, Alissa Antle, Brendan Matkin, Susan Rowley, Jordan Wilson
Designing learning paths in the field of intangible cultural heritage (ich): a new methodology 2016 Francesca Dagnino, Andrea Ceregini, Francesca Pozzi, Mauro Tavella
Deep commoning: public folklore and environmental policy on a resource frontier 2016 Mary Hufford International Journal of Heritage Studies
Using scents to connect to intangible heritage: Engaging the visitor olfactory dimension: Three museum exhibition case studies 2016 Laura Miotto
Walking the thylacine: Records of indigenous companion animals in australian narrative and photographic history 2016 Justine Philip, Don Garden Society and Animals
Vida cotidiana en la industria textil algodonera catalana bajo el franquismo: el caso de Roca Umbert S.A. en Granollers, 1956-1966 2016 Alfredo Rodríguez, María Casals