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Mostrando 1361 - 1370 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Ordenar ascendente Autor/a Revista / Editorial
La ciudad escondida. Toledo, laboratorio de comunicación transmedia 2015 Isidro Sánchez, Andrés Newball Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
Utilization of Cultural Assets; Is It a Realization of Authenticity? Or a Damage to Authenticity? 2015 Hwang jeong, Chang Park Journal of Tourism Studies
Widening local development pathways: Transformative visions of cultural economy 2015 Y.R. Isar
Historia y definición del patrimonio cultural inmaterial 2015 Joan Mestre, Nayra Molina
Heritage interpretation, place branding and experiential marketing in the destination management of geotourism sites 2015 Margaret Robertson Translation Spaces
Heritage, tourism and transfiguration in the cultural itendity relations and in the spaces of Pelourinho (Salvador - Bahia) and Porto Rico (Parana), Brazil. 2015 S. Zanirato, E. Tomazzoni Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo
Heritage and memory of war: Responses from small Islands 2015 G. Carr, K. Reeves
Why Local Governments Matters in Implementing the UNESCO 2003 Convention: the Case for ICCN 2015 Heekyung Choi, Sumi Nam International Journal of Intangible Heritage
Immaterial cultural elements patrimoniazation and local sustainable development 2015 Alejandro de la Rosa Revista Ra Ximhai
Improving the tourist destination image with intangible cultural heritage: Montenegro as a case study. 2015 A. Vitic-Cetkovic, B. Krstic, I. Jovanovic Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues