
This article examInes the historical evolution and the effective conservation measures of Shashmaqom as the intangible Heritage of Humanity in the Central Eurasia. For this, this article analyzes the concept of maqom and Shashmaqom, Bukhara maqom and Khorezm maqom, and the historical evolution of Shashmaqom.Through this article, the results of Shashmaqom’s research are following: the studies are few based on history-literary sources of Shashmaqom. life and works of great artists in the 19th century and in early 20th had not been disclosed yet. The formation process of Poetics in Shashmaqom and historical tradition of Baez has not been examined. In the aspects of heritage preservation, UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention always played significant role. But these agreements are difficult for preservation of heritage and transmIssion. Therefore, effective several ways presented for preservation and transmission of intangible cultural heritage. First, the Eurasian countries need to encourage the awareness in the understanding of intangible cultural heritage and importance of its protection to the people. Second, the preparation of the institutional dimension is insufficient on the cultural heritage protection and knowledge in the central Eurasian nations. The law of the tangible cultural heritage in Uzbekistan is controlled to the preservation and transmIssion of intangible Cultural Heritage, the new law should be submitted. Third, the nation s intangible cultural heritage preservation is a major task at the moment, consequently govemment authorities will be considered to build the system that people will leam and study and will be restored for the skills of these intangible cultural areas.

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Revista académica
The Journal of Europe Culture Arts
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