Lu, Z., Annett, M., Fan, M., Wigdor, D., & Machinery, A. C. (2019). "I feel it is my responsibility to stream" Streaming and Engaging with Intangible Cultural Heritage through Livestreaming. Présenté à. Association for Computing Machinery.
Zhicong Lu Michelle Annett Mingming Fan Daniel Wigdor Assoc MachineryIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Historic preservation Cultural preservation Social media Human computer interaction Human engineering Livestreaming User engagement
Giglitto, D., Lazem, S., & Preston, A. (2018). In the Eye of the Student: "An Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience, with a Human-Computer Interaction Twist". 2018-April. Association for Computing Machinery.
Danilo Giglitto Shaimaa Lazem Anne PrestonIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Egypt Students HCI4D Human computer interaction Economic and social effects Curricula Human engineering HCI Bottom up Bottom-up Cross-cultural design Cross-cultural designs decolonization HCI education Hci educations ICT4D Postcolonialism
Yang, Y., Zhang, D., Ji, T., Li, L., & He, Y. (2019). Designing educational games based on intangible cultural heritage for rural children: A case study on “logic huayao” (Vol. 795). In (Vol. 795). Springer Verlag.
Y. Yang D. Zhang T. Ji L. Li Y. HeIntangible cultural heritages Virtual reality Intangible cultural heritage Design Human engineering Wearable technology Computer circuits Cultural learning Educational game Educational games Learning style Learning Style Problem solving Rural children
Muntean, R., Antle, A. N., Matkin, B., Hennessy, K., Rowley, S., & Wilson, J. (2017). Designing Cultural Values into Interaction. 2017-May, 6062-6074. Association for Computing Machinery.
Reese Muntean Alissa Antle Brendan Matkin Kate Hennessy Susan Rowley Jordan WilsonIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Design museums Human engineering Digital tabletops Indigenous heritage Tangibles Value sensitive design
Lu, Z., Annett, M., Fan, M., Wigdor, D., & Machinery, A. C. (2019). "I feel it is my responsibility to stream" Streaming and Engaging with Intangible Cultural Heritage through Livestreaming. Présenté à. Association for Computing Machinery.
Zhicong Lu Michelle Annett Mingming Fan Daniel Wigdor Assoc MachineryIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Historic preservation Cultural preservation Social media Human computer interaction Human engineering Livestreaming User engagement
Giglitto, D., Lazem, S., & Preston, A. (2018). In the Eye of the Student: "An Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience, with a Human-Computer Interaction Twist". 2018-April. Association for Computing Machinery.
Danilo Giglitto Shaimaa Lazem Anne PrestonIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Egypt Students HCI4D Human computer interaction Economic and social effects Curricula Human engineering HCI Bottom up Bottom-up Cross-cultural design Cross-cultural designs decolonization HCI education Hci educations ICT4D Postcolonialism