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Mostrando 691 - 700 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Ordenar ascendente Autor/a Revista / Editorial
La acción ciudadana transforma la casa-taller March en museo comunitario 2020 Josep Martínez PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
La creación colectiva rescata la memoria de las mujeres de la Siberia extremeña 2020 Encarna Gutiérrez PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
The heritage foundation and Chinese Korean’s Arirang 2020 Seonghee Kim
The indigenous children s literature of Venezuela: intangible cultural heritage 2020 Victor Nanez Boletin Antropologico
The Differences and Characteristics of Folklore Studies and Intangible Heritage Studies -Focused on Traditional Agriculture- 2020 Jaeho Kim Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
The Direction of Korean Folk Music in Transitional period: Focusing on 1960s 2020 MinSu Kim Journal of Ewha Music Research Institute
The Influence of Cultural Power in the Designation of Cultural Heritage -Focusing on Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 19 Seonsori Santaryeong (Standing Song, Mountain Songs)- 2020 Lee Yong-Shik
The Game of Skittles on the Northern Route of the Camino de Santiago 2020 Jose Rodriguez-Fernandez, Mar Lorenzo-Moledo, Jesus Garcia-Alvarez, Gabriela Miguez-Salina Frontiers in Psychology
The educational policies for safeguarding and transmitting the language as an intangible cultural heritage 2020 Darejan Tvaltvadze, Irina Gvelesiani
The groups of caroling lads from făgăras, land (Romania) as niche tourism resource 2020 Daniela Sorea, Codrina Csesznek Sustainability