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Mostrando 1251 - 1260 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Ordenar ascendente Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Growing ecomuseums on the Canadian prairies: Prospects for intangible cultural heritage 2016 G.C. Sutter
Whom does heritage empower, and whom does it silence? Intangible cultural heritage at the Jemaa el Fnaa, Marrakech 2016 Thomas Beardslee International Journal of Heritage Studies
"You ve got your work cut out!". Digital archives and oral history 2016 Cyrille Larpenteur, Nelo Herrero Kultur-Revista Interdisciplinaria sobre la Cultura de la Ciutat
Urban regeneration as an instrument of identity preservation: a case study of Trebinje s Krs district 2016 Cvijic Sinisa, GuzijanJasna Archives for Technical Sciences
How to dematerialise a stone? A theorem from Vodnjan 2016 Jadran Kale Histria
Hot Stones and Cool Digitals: Sustainable Contact Zones for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Finland 2016 Samir Bhowmik, Lily Diaz International Journal of Intangible Heritage
How to Select, Investigate, and Protect a List of Tales as Intangible Cultural Heritages 2016 Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
In the Scattered Fields of Memory: Unofficial Live Music Venues, Intangible Heritage, and the Recreation of the Musical Past 2016 Andy Bennett, Ian Rogers Space and Culture
ID 204 The Urban Space of the Ephemeral Heritage. Celebrations of Big Shoulder-Borne Processional Structures 2016 Antonella Salucci, C Gambardella
La danza de las espadas de Obejo (Córdoba) 2016 Antonio García PH: Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico