y, P. di B., Laterza, M., Roselli, T., & Rossano, V. (2012). A semantic approach implemented in a system recommending resources for cultural heritage tourism. Journal Of E-Learning And Knowledge Society, 8, 97-106. Recuperado de
P. y M. Laterza T. Roselli V. RossanoCultural heritage tourism Recommendation systems Semantic enrichment
y, P. di B., Laterza, M., Roselli, T., & Rossano, V. (2012). A semantic approach implemented in a system recommending resources for cultural heritage tourism. Journal Of E-Learning And Knowledge Society, 8, 97-106. Recuperado de
P. y M. Laterza T. Roselli V. RossanoCultural heritage tourism Recommendation systems Semantic enrichment
y, P. di B., Laterza, M., Roselli, T., & Rossano, V. (2012). A semantic approach implemented in a system recommending resources for cultural heritage tourism. Journal Of E-Learning And Knowledge Society, 8, 97-106. Recuperado de
P. y M. Laterza T. Roselli V. RossanoCultural heritage tourism Recommendation systems Semantic enrichment
Di Bitonto, P., Di Tria, F., Laterza, M., Roselli, T., Rossano, V., & Tangorra, F. (2010). A model for generating tourist itineraries. 971-976. Cairo.
P. Di Bitonto F. Di Tria M. Laterza T. Roselli V. Rossano F. TangorraCultural events Cultural heritages Empirical evaluations Filtering First order logic Geographical area Grain size Intelligent systems Knowledge base Knowledge based systems Logical programming Recommender systems Space-time relation Systems analysis Theoretical models Transitive closure