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Resumen |
The paper deals with GSR Management in the protection of intan-gi ble cultural heritage in contemporary China. The main topic is the so-called artistic processing of sugar, a craft technique taught only in certain areas of China. Specifically, the techniques are: painting, pulling and blowing sugar. In their paper, the authors analyze official international and national Chinese documents and reports. Craft sugar processing techniques are currently listed on six Chinese provincial conservation lists. The uniqueness of these artistic techniques is im-portant not only for preserving Chinese culture, which is why it seeks inclusion on the UNESCO list, but is also reflected in other socio-economic contexts. As this is a unique craft combining sugar industry with art, the authors recommend, based on their own research, to include the protection of sugar art processing on the UNESCO list. |
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Revista académica |
Listy Cukrovarnicke a Reparske
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Publisher: VUC Praha, a.s.
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Numero ISSN |
12103306 (ISSN)
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