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Mostrando 441 - 450 de 1987
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Historia de la romería con la imagen de la Virgen de la Salud en la pedanía de La Hoya. Lorca 2021 Francisco Pérez
Historia del cine en Los Alcázares. Lugares de proyección, rodajes y personajes 2021 Antonio Pérez
WhiteStone: A Tangible interactive device for revitalizing Qiang language and culture 2021 Rao Xu, Lingze Wu, Qin Wu
Impacts of UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage on Cultural Diversity -The Case of Jathilan, Indonesian Traditional Dance- 2021 Kim Jun Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
How to Measure Intangible Cultural Heritage Value? The Case of Flamenco in Spain 2021 Jesus Heredia-Carroza, Luis Martos, Luis Aguado Empirical Studies of the Arts
Improving the Sustainability Effectiveness of Traditional Arts and Crafts Using Supply-Demand and Ordered Logistic Regression Techniques in Taiyuan, China 2021 Bo Zhu, Si-Qi Tian, Chien-Chih Wang Sustainability
Immaterial assets in the process of being registered in the IPHAN: social tensions surrounding the safeguard in the Northeast region of Brazil 2021 Daniela de Albuquerque, Danubia Menezes, Murilo da Silveira Encontros Bibli-Revista Eletronica de Biblioteconomia e Ciencia da Informacao
How does music heritage get lost? Examining cultural heritage loss in community and authorised music archives 2021 Lauren Istvandity International Journal of Heritage Studies
Identification of Miao Embroidery in Southeast Guizhou Province of China Based on Convolution Neural Network 2021 Chune Zhang, Song Wu, Jianhui Chen Autex Research Journal
Kisaeng Performers and the New Media in Colonial Korea 2021 H.E. Choi Journal of Korean Studies