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A Study on how to use Namsadang Nori Deoboegi for Training Actors 2019 Seok-Ha Hwang Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
A Study on the Cultural Content of Youngsanjae by Using VR Technology 2019 Young Kim The Korean Journal of animation
A study on the cultural characteristics and inheritance of the Mongolian minority’s folk music in China 2019 Si Yu, Lee Youngwol Journal of International Studies
A Study on the Aesthetic Categorization of 24 Categories of Poetry SaGongDo in Korea Intangible Cultural Heritage Dance 2019 Jee-Young Kim The Journal of Korean Dance
Building a learning society in the design field for batik craftworkers in Indonesia 2019 L. Nurwandi, K. Abdulhak, E. Sumantri, J.S. Ardiwinata International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change
Brief thoughts on pierpaolo forte’s essay on “digitized public cultural good” 2019 G. Tropea P.A. Persona e Amministrazione
Bridging knowledge between craftsman and learner in chinese intangible cultural heritage through WebAR 2019 P. Tan, Y. Ji, D. Hills, T. Fu
Building a Network for Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage through Education: A Study of Indonesian Batik 2019 Ching-Yi Wang International Journal of Art and Design Education
Bertsolaritzaren historia: hedabideratzea, eragiletza eta proiekuta (1823-2018). Ahots subalternoaren bizi-indarraren testigantza bat 2019 Antxoka Agirre Maiora
Beyond the cinematic: Reinventing Chinese martial arts through new media art practices 2019 Wayne Wong Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art