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Título Año de publicación Trier par ordre croissant Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Baile al suelto en Euskal Herria: formas populares y evoluciones coreográficas 2012 Iñaki Irigoien Jentilbaratz: cuadernos de folklore
Bamako s Woodcarvers as Pariahs of Cultural Heritage: Between Marginalization and State Representation 2012 Cristiana Panella Africa Today
Actualización del Proyecto de Recuperación del Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Sierra de Albarracín 2012 Eloy Cutanda Pérez
Biocultural diversity and the Mediterranean diet. 2012 P. Petrillo
Camisoles in the traditional male costume of the Bukharan Jews (part of the history of clothes cut from patterns in Western Central Asia) 2012 T.G. Emelyanenko Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia
Cante y flamenco con parada en Vélez-Málaga 2012 José Rojas Arquelladas Sociedad: boletín de la Sociedad de Amigos de la Cultura de Vélez-Málaga
Case Study on the Space Characteristics Focused on the Dang and Oreum of the Seashore․Inland Villages in Jeju Island 2012 Jai-Ung Choi, Kim Yeob, Lok-hwan Jo Journal of Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
Cataloging intangible cultural heritage on the web 2012 M.T. Artese, I. Gagliardi
Chaves da Sociomuseologia: para uma construção social do património através do inventário participado 2012 Lorena Sancho Querol Revista de Sociologia Universidade do Porto
Charting a way forward: existing research and future directions for ICH research related to the Intangible Heritage Convention 2012 H.J. Deacon, Chiara Bortolotto