
Social media platforms are thematic sharing places where photos, videos and personal information (location, educational information, interests, etc.) are presented to the community. One of these platforms, You-Tube connects audiences through video. YouTube allows users to create content and share this content with the community, as well as providing the opportunity for other users to present their thoughts, evaluations and directions regarding the posts. With this interactive aspect, YouTube has become one of the tools for safeguarding and transmitting intangible cultural heritage elements. In this article, application videos of "Ebru, Turkish art of marbling", one of the intangible cultural heritage elements, are used as examples. Ebru art application videos, comments, likes and views on YouTube were analyzed by netnographic method. The videos on the YouTube channel were searched for the names of "Ebru marbling", "Ebru marbling tradition", "UNESCO Ebru marbling" and the performers of the tradition. The aim of this study is to discuss the processes of documenting, revitalizing and transmitting the traditional craftsmanship digitally through the art of marbling and YouTube samples. It is to make visible whether the teaching of art can be carried out in the digital space other than "traditional" learning methods and whether the transfer of practices, teachings and oral culture products developed around the tradition can be achieved. This article seeks answers to the questions of how the transmitting of the tradition on YouTube through application videos corresponds to the audience and tutors, how the master-apprentice interaction is provided, and what aspects of the digital space have changed and transformed. Videos shared by formal and informal sources on YouTube are considered separately. It is created for the promotion of Ebru art in formal videos. In informal videos, it is aimed to show and teach the application processes of art. It has been observed that YouTube users are more interested in informal video posts. In this context, informal and practical videos were evaluated in the study. In the study, the museology of YouTube and the use of YouTube by museums are examined with examples. Video related to the element in the nomination file in the process of including the art of marbling in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity were evaluated within the framework of the representation and presentation of the intangible cultural heritage. It has been determined that some of the protection commitments in the Ebru art nomination file have been fulfilled. It has been determined that the videos on YouTube have the advantages of reaching the master and the materials, guiding the creator and bringing together people from long distances. Official videos were created to promote the art of Ebru. It has been understood that the unofficial videos are intended to show and teach the application processes of art. In addition, the blurring of the distinction between master and apprentice on the YouTube channel has been interpreted as the disadvantages of digital. YouTube creates communication and interaction between content creator, viewer and other viewers with its posts on Ebru art videos. It has been understood that it creates interest and awareness in the implementation and sustainability of the tradition.

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