
This article reflects on the importance of the kuagro for members of the Palenque de San Basilio community in the department of Bolívar in Colombia; it is a social-administrative institution where its members feel their social life potentialized, where they strengthen the culture that characterizes them, their identity as palenqueros. It also facilitates respect for differences and recognition of others. The kuagro are part of the intangible heritage of San Basilio de Palenque, were form during the colonial era as a mechanism of resistance to the inhumane conditions in which they lived enslaved Africans.  Age groups are comprised of women and men around six to nine years old, which be strengthen at puberty and lasts until death. A kuagro may be comprised of half male, half female, only by men or only by women.   For the community palenquera to be a member of a kuagro, we count on the unconditional support of men and women based on some intrinsic rules of the organization to always was support under any circumstances taking into account the values that characterizes them. Among these: Respect, solidarity, consideration, love and loyalty among others. The kuagro made since the time of the colony as a military strategy to defend against the European slavers, today serving as an ancestral legacy that energizes the whole culture of the community of San Basilio de Palenque.

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