
The Or.C.He.S.T.R.A. project focuses on the development of a set of ICT solutions supporting the "smart" valorization of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the Campania Region, in particular the city of Naples and its historic center, for citizens/visitors/tourists while fulfilling the principles of sustainability and eco-friendliness. The project investigates the perspectives of applying the Smart City paradigm in the Cultural Heritage field. Thus, this research outlines the emerging concept of "Smart Cultural Heritage" and proposes a new integrated approach, in which the fundamental value of the cultural framework is acknowledged in the complexity of the "smart" model. The studies on Cultural Commons are invoked as a basis for the analysis on the advantages of sharing common cultural resources (such as cultural heritage and the related digital information) within the Communities, identified in their inclination to innovation by means of the Evolving Networks model. In this context the Or. C.He.S.T.R.A. project aims at defining a new model of an integrated multidisciplinary approach to Naples historic center: a participatory, cooperative, complex system of heterogeneous information on the identified area, ranging from mobility, to health, energy, cultural heritage. The integration of different aspects increases their potential, affecting the values of "cohesion" and "density" of the networks of shared contents, goods and services in the area, and supporting the availability of culture and innovation in the community, facilitating their assumption and thus contributing to the generation of value on the territory.

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Archeologia e Calcolatori
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