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The archival treatment of anthropological data includes, at the same time, conservation operations and enhancement actions for a wide public access. In this perspective, if on the one hand the archivist is called upon to retrace the researchers field adventure from his workstation, on the other hand, researchers are asked to adopt functional methodologies to the future archiving of data. The example of the Luisa Orru s archives that are stored at the university of Cagliari reflects this dual aspect and encourages the wide dissemination of data thanks to the tools of Digital Humanities. The experience of the MMSH (Maison mediterraneenne des sciences de l homme) phonotheque in Aix-en-Provence and the treatment of subjects common to the two archives - ethnobotany and medical anthropology - is a model and an invitation to the sharing of research data in a Fair Science perspective. |
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Lares-Quadrimestrale di Studi Demoetnoantropologici
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