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Mostrando 81 - 90 de 1987
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Words Carried Away by the River. Oral History and Lexical Memory of the Productive Activities in the Guadalquivir 2023 Juan López, Ignacio Sanchez Futuro del pasado-Revista electronica de historia
Intangible Cultural Heritage as a Resource for a Sámi Mathematics Curriculum 2023 A.B. Fyhn, Y.J. Nutti Australian and International Journal of Rural Education
Spatial pattern and influencing factors of land border cultural heritage in China 2023 S. Zhang, L. Chi, T. Zhang, H. Ju Heritage Science
A Proposal to Categorize Cultural Sustainability Elements for the Management of World Cultural Heritage Sites 2023 Almeida de Oliveira, H.C. Salgado, S. De Ascaniis, L. Cantoni, R.M.A. Baracho Academica Turistica
Tangible Heritage and Intangible Memory: (Coping) Precarity in the Select Partition Writings by Muslim Women 2023 S. Asif, S. Singh Studies in Media and Communication
Traditional art's survival in the digital era: Puppet performance on YouTube 2023 A. Windarsih Handbook of Research on Deconstructing Culture and Communication in the Global South
An Ontological Model for the Representation of Vallenato as Cultural Heritage in a Context-Aware System 2023 M.A. Diaz-Mendoza, E. De-La-Hoz-Franco, J.E. Gómez, R. Ramírez-Velarde Heritage
Spatio-temporal evolution and distribution of cultural heritage sites along the Suzhou canal of China 2023 Y. Huang, S. Yang Heritage Science
Interactions of change: Pursuing agentive materials and intangible movements along the silk road network 2023 S.A. Knutson Imperial Horizons of the Silk Roads: Archaeological Case Studies
Local People’s Participation in Cultural Heritage Conservation and Management 2023 A. Nasrolahi Handbook of Research on Inclusive and Innovative Architecture and the Built Environment