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Mostrando 1061 - 1070 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Sort ascending Autor/a Revista / Editorial
The Evolution and Inheritance of Yunnan Heqing Longzhu Baimian Paper Technology 2018 Q.-L. Huang Chung-kuo Tsao Chih/China Pulp and Paper
The importance and objectives of projects aimed at safeguarding food heritage. Register of the intangible cultural Heritage, Etnofolk and Alpfoodway 2018 M.G. Golija, Š.L. Lozej Etnolog
The entry of Slovene field and house names from Carinthia in the inventory of the intangible cultural heritage in Austria. An example of good practice in heritage safeguarding 2018 M. Piko-Rustia Etnolog
The digitisation of museum collections for research, management and enhancement of tangible and intangible heritage 2018 Massimiliano Turco, Fulvio Rinaudo, Paolo Piumatti, Michele Calvano, Alessandra Spreafico, Giacomo Patrucco
The effect of microwax composition on the staining quality of Klowong Batik Wax 2018 A. Malik, F.I. Rahmillah, B.D. Atmaja, B.F. Ihsan
The figure of the hunter in the Royal Bardenas of Navarre. Ethnographic study of hunting in a semi-desert communal landscape [La figura del cazador en las Bardenas Reales de Navarra. Estudio etnográfico de la caza en un paisaje comunal semidesértico] 2018 R.M.A. Pérez, Orduna Portús Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia
Serbian Church Chant as Intangible Cultural Heritage - Preliminary View from Interdisciplinary Perspective 2018 Natasa Marjanovic, Marija Brujic Etnoantropoloski Problemi-Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology
Sense of place and sustainability of intangible cultural heritage - The case of George Town and Melaka 2018 Siow-Kian Tan, Siow-Hooi Tan, Yon-Sin Kok, Shay-Wei Choon Tourism Management
Self-development and Self-protection of China Pu er Whipping Top Project from Perspective of Sports Intangible Cultural Heritage 2018 Dongying Li
Secularization, Sanctification and Artistry: the Aesthetic Changes of "Gesar" Tangka 2018 Meizhen Chen, Yi Yang