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Abstract |
The cultural heritage discussions have made it possible to insert new issues beyond the material elements, also involving intangible heritage coupled with social identity and patrimonial education as a means of preservation. In this sense, the Quilombola Communities, object of study of this work, begin to insert in this discussion by means of the appreciation of the questions of preservation and conservation of the questions related to their cultural patrimony. Based on this, this work aims to analyze the Cultural Heritage in Quilombola communities, specifically in the Comunidade Quilombola Negros do Riacho/RN, emphasizing the issue of the production of crockery and other items that have clay as raw material. For this purpose, data collection was done in 2018, of the document type and interview with representatives. In addition, he used storytelling through core story as a methodological option. The results evidenced negative impacts if production ceased to exist, based on internal and external data, and the core story evidenced a message, a conflict, a character and a plot that identify clay crockery production as a material cultural heritage based on the pieces and immaterial based on the way of doing. |
Year of Publication |
Revista académica |
TURyDES: Revista Turismo y Desarrollo Local
Volume |
Zenbakia |
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