
This study has interest in the preservation and transmission of children’s play which was transmitted by children in folk games. The reason why people pays attention to children’s play in the study which is discussed about transmission and preservation of Intangible Heritage is that children’s play also has cultural value like adult’s play and there’s not formed equivalent approach in actually. Moreover there are lots of play for children which was transmitted well and has strong power of transmission that can not find in the games for adults despite of various limitation circumstances.The results of the discussion are as follows.First, children’s play has the value of Intangible Heritage and could be the target of creative succession and preserving of an orignal form. Besides it could provide a clue to find answer about ‘orignal form’ argument of Important Intangible Heritage.Second, the present statue of children’s play is in the situation of concern. The reason is very various. The street culture is getting disappear and culture is changing from ‘Culture of Field’ to ‘Culture of Room’ as the expansion of cyberspace. Besides, the ‘Fun’ which had in traditional play was reduced half or lost as increase of artificial toys and importation of various play culture from foreign countries. Furthermore, there is no target to sing in ‘Singing- play’, so transmission could be ended earlier than other plays.Third, even though the environment around children’s play is negative like this, the effort which try to preserve children’s play by Local Government, Office of Education or school keeps doing such as the folk game contests by region or school.Fourth, there are ‘folkloric attention’ and ‘commercial attention’ as plan for succeeding children’s play, and it need approach of folkloric level and practical level for transmitting and preserving children’s play. First of all, children’s play assets in the catalog of Intangible Heritage and should find relationship of children’s play of Korea and other countries with census method in order to the folkloric approach. In addition, Japanese or foreign words get rid of the children’s play and introduce children’s play in the curriculum, so it should maximize educational application. The ‘Street Culture’ movement for children should go side by side at the same time.Enforcement experience of the policy for the Intangible Heritage could be very important stepping stone for transmitting and preserving children’s play. It is true that the policy for the Intangible Heritage made possible to transmit Intangible Heritage, but you should consider the indication that the policy made standardization, so it was decreased dynamical vitality and it should be fixed like the Korean saying “Learn wisdom by the follies of others”.

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