
The purpose of this paper is to consider the changing tendency and changing patterns of ‘UNESCO’ Intangible Cultural Heritage in Korea from diachronic perspective and survey the case of Tug-and-War festival in 100th anniversary of March 1 Independence Movement event.Unesco’s 「Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage」 in 2003 has a great impact on Korean society. The emergence of international convention inevitably entailed cultural policy changes in Korea, and cultural objects were regulated and recognized.The properties of intangible heritages were selected as changing measurement method based on to identify the process of value change on Korean Intangible Cultural Heritage lists. The UNESCO nomination file analysis showed following results:after 2012, the listing tendency changed from emphasizing original form to emphasizing variability. Into the social atmosphere a chance in terms of highlighting general public rather than culture practicing communities was obtained. This reflects embracing change of UNESCO’s policy that emphasize the role of community, diversity, active participation, variability, practical communities and general public.As a result of value change of Intangible Cultural Heritages, the sustainability of Intangible Cultural Heritage could be secured through the process of re- recognition and reinterpretation of their meaning. according to changes in time and space. Tug-and-War festival in 100th anniversary of March 1 Independence Movement event showed that the meaning of cultural heritage is changeable according to time and space. It is an example that shows When the traditional cultural space disappears, the cultural heritage does not disappear. it has the vitality to be constantly re-recognized in a new environment rather than extinction.

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Asian Comparative Folklore
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