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Mostrando 421 - 430 de 1987
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La casa-patio cordobesa. La mujer como eje vertebrador 2021 Rafael Fresno Periférica: Revista para el análisis de la cultura y el territorio
La adaptación de la artesanía frente al COVID-19: el caso de las tablas de Sarhua en Chorrillos 2021 Bárbara Neira Patrimonios confinados: retos del patrimonio inmaterial ante el COVID-19
La Campana de Auroros de Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Ceutí 2021 José Mateos Costumbres y tradiciones en la región de Murcia. El Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Región
Worlding a Mbya-Guarani heritage: from dissonant heritage to ontological conflicts 2021 Rodrigo Lacerda International Journal of Heritage Studies
Who Participates in Popular Feasts and Festivals? An Empirical Approach from Cultural Economics Applied to the Carnival of Barranquilla (Colombia) 2021 Aaron Espinosa, Luis Martos, Luis Quintero Scientific Annals of Economics and Business
Why robots can t haka: skilled performance and embodied knowledge in the Maori haka 2021 McArthur Mingon, John Sutton Synthese
Well-Being and the Lifestyle Habits of the Spanish Population: The Association between Subjective Well-Being and Eating Habits 2021 Laura Cabiedes-Miragaya, Cecilia Diaz-Mendez, Isabel Garcia-Espejo International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
“Yoh-kotsu-Hoh” Owned by the National Library of Korea(貴159 古朝68-41(朝68-41)) Introduction of the Whole Text -The Exchange of Falconry Culture Between Korea and Japan in Premodern and Modern Times- 2021 Nihonmatsu Yasuko The Japanese Modern Association of Korea
Water-Transportation in the Turkic Culture Throughout the History in the Case of the Kyrgyz People 2021 Anvarbek Mokeyev, Kayrat Belek, Nursultan Uulu Milli Folklor
What s in a dance? Dalkhai: From a religious community ritual, to a pro-scenium performance 2021 A. Marinescu International Review of Social Research