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Mostrando 1821 - 1830 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Ordenar ascendente Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Using information and communication technologies in understanding cultural heritage 2007 N. El-Khoury, G. De Paoli, G. Khayat International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology
La "insoportable levedad" de lo urbano 2007 Mónica Lacarrieu Eure (Santiago)
Historic gypsum-kilns (Morata de Tajuna, Madrid) 2007 Puche Riart, L. Martinez, J. Menendez, J. Borrajo Materiales de Construcción
Jurisprudential Analysis of Guardians Interests in Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection 2007 Wu Anxin Journal of Jining University
Justice, Transaction, Translation: Blackfoot Tipi Transfers and WIPO's Search for the Facts of Traditional Knowledge Exchange 2007 Brian Noble American Anthropologist
L'attuazione della convenzione per la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Culturale Intangibile: l'esperienza francese 2007 C. Hottin
La convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immateriel 2007 Tullio Scovazzi Pour un droit commun de l'environnement: mélanges en l'honneur de Michel Prieur
Algunas manifestaciones de la cultura tradicional y popular de una comunidad en situación de desplazamiento: el caso de cercana ilusión 2007 Aceneth Ramírez Antipoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología
An episode in the long history of the Maiden's Tower in Istanbul: "Kule-i Duhter" in the 18th century 2007 Deniz Mazlum Metu Journal of The Faculty of Architecture
Using tangible and intangible heritage to promote social inclusion for students with disabilities: Inspiration Africa! 2007 V. Golding