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Mostrando 1761 - 1770 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Ordenar ascendente Autor/a Revista / Editorial
Search for an archaic form of Jain-Danoje-Focucing on ‘Yeowonmoo’ and ‘Hojanggut’- 2009 Yang-Myung Han The Research of Performance Art and Culture
Sant’ana: Mudanças e novos significados na maior festa religiosa da cidade de ponta grossa – pr (1930 -1965) 2009 Denise Pereira, Constantino de Oliveira Jr. Revista Brasileira de História \& Ciências Sociais
Implementation of the UNESCO convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong 2009 J. Ding International Journal of the Inclusive Museum
Human dignity as a right 2009 S. Gan Frontiers of Philosophy in China
How Does One Study a "Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity"? Ethnographic Reflections on Kerala s Kutiyattam 2009 Bruce Sullivan Method and Theory in the Study of Religion
Il progetto "MEDINS. Identity is future. The Mediterranean Intangible Space" 2008 Alessandra del Caro
Il REI: Registro delle Eredità Inamteriali 2008 Lucio Tambuzzo
Il Patrimonio Inmateriale: Definizione e politiche di valutazione e salvaguardia del patrimonio inmateriale nella programmazione comunitaria 2007-2013 2008 Alessandro Pernice
Horizontes de maíz y barro. Saberes e imaginarios en diálogo hacia un nuevo orden social: memorias del 4.º Foro Latinoamericano "Memoria e Identidad". Montevideo, octubre de 2007 2008 Néstor Ganduglia, Natalia Motta
Development Research of Cultural Creative Industry Based on the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hangzhou 2008 Ying Wang, Linxin Zheng