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Mostrando 1431 - 1440 de 1987
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Título Año de publicación Ordenar ascendente Autor/a Revista / Editorial
In the service of national culture Japanese preservation and its political context, 1871-1994 2014 B. Galli Future Anterior
How intangible heritage should contribute to sustainable development ofrural tourism: a case studyin the province of Cordoba, Andalusia (Spain) 2014 Rosa Fernández, María de la Torre Revista Turismo \& Desenvolvimento
Development Brokerage, Anthropology and Public Action Local Empowerment, International Cooperation and Aid: Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2014 Marc Jacobs Volkskunde
Virtual yamahoko parade experience system with vibration simulation 2014 L. Li, W. Choi, K. Hachimura, K. Yano, T. Nishiura, H.T. Tanaka ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications
Widening access to intangible cultural heritage: Towards the development of an innovative platform 2014 M. Ott, F.M. Dagnino, F. Pozzi, M. Tavella
Writing an "Intangible" text: Between politics, science and bearers 2014 M. Hrovatin Narodna Umjetnost
Virgin olive oil: Production, composition, uses and benefits for man 2014 A. De Leonardis
Velorios, santos y marimbas en el Museo Nacional de Colombia: ¿de quién es el patrimonio de la Nación? 2014 Juliana Mejía, Sofía Ayala Universitas Humanística
Visitors to cultural heritage attractions: an activity-based integrated typology. 2014 G. Nyaupane, K. Andereck Tourism, Culture and Communication
Análisis de la tramoya aérea de la festa o misterio de Elche 2014 Sixto Lozano, Emilio Sánchez, Joan Garcia