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Mostrando 1091 - 1100 de 1987
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Immersing the landscape in its music: The case of iso-polyphony in South Albania 2018 Michele Porsia, Luciano De Bonis
Hongan di Pa’ge: The sacredness and realism of terraced landscape in Ifugao culture, Philippines 2018 M. Martin, S. Acabado, R.A. Macapagal
Musiques et stratégies de résistance culturelle des communautés afro-descendantes au Brésil: l’exemple du tambor de crioula et du tambor de mina, XIXe-XXIe siècle 2018 Marie-Paule Cousin Amérique latine histoire et mémoire
Pressures from long term environmental change at the shrines and temples of Nikko 2018 Peter Brimblecombe, Mikiko Hayashi Heritage Science
Implicaciones Socioeconómicas de la Semana Santa de Málaga como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial 2017 Jesús Bravo RIIPAC: Revista sobre Patrimonio Cultural
Incidental heritage: difficult intangible heritages as collateral damage 2017 Christine McCarthy International Journal of Heritage Studies
How to understand engineering sciences with the techniques of the body: The case of the bridges collection of the Musee des Arts et Metiers explained by circus acrobatics 2017 Arnaud Dubois Social Science Information Sur Les Sciences Sociales
Design and implementationi of Intangible Cultural Heritage Management System 2017 Yang Haibo
Design and the Evolving Tradition of Sanganer Hand Block Printing: Formation and Negotiation of Artisanal Knowledge and Identities Against the Backdrop of Intangible Cultural Heritage 2017 Chamithri Greru, Britta Kalkreuter Journal of Modern Craft
Development versus Preservation Interests in the Making of a Music City: A Case Study of Select Iconic Toronto Music Venues and the Treatment of Their Intangible Cultural Heritage Value 2017 Sara Ross International Journal of Cultural Property