
This paper examines understandings of cultural heritage resources among communities in the Mtwara region of Tanzania, and suggests possible measures for their sustainable conservation. It explores the extent to which local communities are engaged in the conservation of cultural heritage resources, and investigates the levels of awareness and understanding of cultural heritage in the region. In this regard, the paper presents and discusses some of the research findings showing how local Mtwara communities view and understand cultural heritage resources. Community-based methods were used in the process of data collection including interviews, archaeological ethnography and focused group discussion. These revealed both tangible and intangible cultural heritage resources to be in a poor state of conservation. The research suggests this situation stems from a wide range of causes including a lack of awareness of the value of cultural heritage resources, as well as the impact of modern economic establishments. The tangible and intangible cultural heritage resources in Mtwara region are deteriorating at an alarming rate and no measures are being taken to rescue these precious resources.

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