
This paper examines the role of Iranian cemeteries as sustainable spaces and their importance in Iranian intangible cultural heritage. It also focuses on the role of cemeteries as a multifunctional space in which cultural, spiritual and touristy aspects are integrated. And this paper attempts to present a framework guideline for the old cemeteries inside the city on the basis of their potential role in the socio-cultural urban system. It is suggested that to revitalize the cemetery, it is necessary to create new functions for cemeteries, so as to present their identity and convert them into sustainable urban spaces, which can enhance and strengthen their role as cultural landscapes. Thus, not only these precious symbols of cultural heritage are preserved, but also they are used in the best way to sustain the development of the cities. After a brief study of Hafiz monument as a successful example of the revival of cemeteries, this paper offers a suggested rehabilitation plan for Ibn Babveyh cemetery in the historical city of Ray.

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