Palabras clave

The proceedings contain 32 papers. The special focus in this conference is on Data Acquisition, Process, Management in Cultural Heritage, Data, Metadata, Semantics, Ontologies in Cultural Heritage, 3D Reconstruction, Intangible Cultural Heritage Documentation and Digital Cultural Heritage in Education. The topics include: Capturing our cultural intangible textile heritage, MoCap and craft technology; the case study of geguti palace in Kutaisi, Georgia; definition of a workflow for web browsing of 3D Models in archaeology; geological heritage and conservation; future development plans for conservation areas in Taiwan; the protection of cultural heritage sites from geo-hazards; the europeana sounds music information retrieval pilot; from historic breakthrough to digital success; exploiting agriculture as an intangible cultural heritage; conservation and valorization of heritage ethnographic textiles; multimedia interactive map for CH Presentation; interactive scalable visualizations of cultural heritage for distance access; a personal tour of cultural heritage for deaf museum visitors; a digital platform for Hellenistic sealings and archives; a virtual multimodal museum project; establishing a remote sensing science center in Cyprus; first year of activities of ATHENA project and the contribution of digital technologies to the mediation of the conservation-restoration of cultural heritage.

Año de publicación
Título de la serie
6th International European-Mediterranean Conference on Digital Heritage, EuroMed 2016
10059 LNCS
Springer Verlag
Idioma de edición
03029743 (ISSN); 9783319489735 (ISBN)
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