Palabras clave

Foundations are not-for-profit organizations, whose main business is to supply merit goods like culture and creativity and to deliver grants for the welfare of communities. Operating and grant-making foundations support the Welfare State of public administrations, and they commit for legacy and resilience in a community and a destination, whose both creative assets and tourism can be positively impacted. Beautification is the consequence of supply and grants in a landscape where tangible and intangible heritages are given back to communities after disruptive events, from failing memories to pandemic. Beautification is granted both by the Public Welfare State and the Private Welfare State of foundations. The resource allocation can afford funds for restoration and valorization of legacies and lost memories. Relationship marketing can shape community engagement, both as regards fundraising in order to maximize endowments and as regards grant-making to the best projects. With a strong advocacy for community betterment and beautification in Italy, these foundations include FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano). The aim of this paper is to highlight the role of FAI for beautification and resilience of heritages from the North to the South of Italy. The methodology includes regression analysis of 2014–2019 FAI data, together with a qualitative analysis of strategies during pandemic. The Welfare Role of FAI will be highlighted as a benchmark for resilience for both communities and tourists.

Año de publicación
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Acta title
Springer Proc. Bus. Econ.
Springer Nature
Idioma de edición
21987246 (ISSN); 9783030981785 (ISBN)
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