
This Paper seeks to re-examine the definition of a memorial service through the example of a memorial service preached by Buddhism. The Buddhist community has extended its comfort from human to life. In the term "weryeongjae," the writer intends to make it a ritual in which the dead are comforted and the dead are properly recognized and commended for death, leading to the execution of paradise.The start of the memorial service came from the collective or national ceremonies that overhauled the social system and contributed to the maintenance and governance of the community by comforting the souls sacrificed by the war.In other words, the memorial service, which originated from Palgwanhoe, soothed the spirit of the spirit sacrificed in terms of community maintenance through the social role of Buddhism in ancient and medieval times, and shared the pain of the grieving sons who lost their families, relatives, and colleagues. In addition, they seemed to have a strong social integration character to overcome the difficulties faced by them.The modern memorial service has a wide variety of functions and roles, but it has played a role of reconciliation and communication to overcome ideological and social conflicts and heal the pain of victims through the memorial service. In addition, the memorial service of Buddhism consoled the spirit of the deceased, and in its contents, it is evaluated that it actively utilizes intangible heritage related to rituals to enhance the dignity of the memorial service and to perform its artistic value and function well.This is an example of the social integration function for the community through the memorial service. In particular, by modernizing the value of traditional rituals, the entire nation was touched by the wishes of the spirits through Hwacheong, and the Buddhist interpretation of the pain of the times and touching the hearts of the people together. As such, it is imperative to establish a Wiryeongjae(Buddhist memorial service) function with sincerity and with the pain of the times. Through this, we hope to contribute to establishing the value of the community and spreading the true view of life

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Revista académica
Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea
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