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In 2003, UNESCO concluded the Convention For the Safeguarding of the Intangible CulturalHeritage to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage(ICH). Based on this Convention, ‘the IntangibleCultural Heritage of Humanity’ is operated. Although one heritage can be listed as a one country s inprinciple, if there are many countries with the same elements, that ICH can be listed as a multinationalheritage. This is called Multi-national nomination. In this article, we tried to discuss the pros and consof multi-national registration through comparison with theoretical background and single listing, anddiscuss the development plan. The contents are as follows.First, we examined the shared nature of intangible heritage, which is the theoretical background ofa joint registration. ICH refers to the customs, representations, expressions, knowledge, and skills, aswell as tools, objects, artifacts, and cultural spaces that communities, groups and individuals perceive.It is divided according to the boundary of cultural heritage. Therefore, it does not necessarilycorrespond to the boundary between countries. In addition, it is likely to be distributed in variouscountries because it spreads by cultural propagation and movement of people. That is why there aremany countries with the same heritage.Secondly, we examined the system of multinational nomination of intangible cultural heritagebased on the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Since the conclusionof the Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the drafting of theOperational Directives has been in place since the conclusion of the Convention for the Safeguardingof the Intangible Cultural Heritage. As time goes by, the regulations have been amended accordingto the situation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. In order to list heritage jointlyowned by the States parties to the Convention, we divided the informal process for preparing anentry application for the countries that wish to be listed and the formal procedure for evaluatingthe application to the Intergovernmental Committee after submitting the entry application. As aresult, the joint listing is a stepping stone to take responsibility for the preservation of the heritageand realize the dialogue between the countries through the culture from the application form to thecreative tradition of heritage and the new cultural fusion and development stage. |
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Korean Journal of Intangible Heritage
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