
This study deals with measures to develop cultural contents based on 24 martial arts(Muye 24ki) which is intangible cultural heritage of Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon by raising subtle examples. Especially, this study tried to be helpful for future development of historical and cultural contents for region by concentrating on study about Martial arts on horseback among 24 martial arts. Muyedobotongji(武藝圖譜通志) completed in Jeongjo reign in Chosun includes martial arts that soldiers in Jangyongyeong(壯勇營) practiced - the soldiers guarded Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon. Accordingly, it was identified that if cultural contents where tangible Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon and intangible 24 martial arts are in harmony, are developed, this could lead maximized synergy effect.Specifically, cultural contents strategy was mentioned by classifying contents to development of exhibition contents through restoration of traditional space and exhibition,development of contents for tourism through experience related to Martial arts on horseback and military history in Hwaseong Fortress. And it was identified through further task and perspective that it is necessary to construct central training hall for 24martial arts for systematic study and restoration of traditional martial arts, to list Muyedobotongji(武藝圖譜通志) on UNESCO world intangible cultural heritage.

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Revista académica
The Yeoksa And Silhak
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