
By presenting “the possibility of content in classical poetry,” the study confirmed that the possibility of classical poetry content is a very high genre, away from the progression of contentsonly in epic stories in classical literature. This study was aimed at providing the first data forthe contents of seasonal food to Sesigayo( ) of Lee, Sebo. Among the seasonal foods,‘alcohol’ was presented with the primary materials for storytelling and how to make alcohol.Intangible heritage is a very valuable asset that is invisible but has known the culture of thecommunity from old times to the present. Food culture is an intangible heritage, but the recordsare limited in understanding the culture because they are often made only for the ruling class. Itis literature that helps overcome this limitation. A good interpretation of literature from a culturalpoint of view not only overcomes but also overcomes this limitation.“the possibility of content in classical poetry,” is not a study to be completed in a shortperiod of time, but a study that should be carried out in the future.

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Revista académica
Culture and Convergence
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