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Resumen |
A Pinisi vessel is an original vessel of the Bugis and Makassar tribes in South Sulawesi. The boat is built by a panrita lopi (shipbuilder expert) without using modern ship-building technology. The research aims to find out the development prospect of the pinisi vessel industry. The data used in the research is obtained from key informants through in-depth and structured interview. The selected key informants consist of existing pinisi vessel owners and panrita lopi in the Bonto Bahari Sub-district, Bulukumba Regency. The data is then analysed using SwoT analysis. The analysis result indicates that the main strengths of the pinisi vessel industrial development are the designation of the vessel as an Intangible Cultural Heritage by Unesco and the expertise of the panrita lopi. Meanwhile, the weaknesses consist of capital limitation, business management, tools, and the marketing system. Business development opportunities of the pinisi vessel are increasingly better after the designation of the vessel as world cultural heritage by Unesco. It is indicated by the increase in government support as well as interest in marine tourism both from domestic and abroad. On the other hand, long-term timber material availability and the increase in competition in the shipping industry are among the challenges faced in pinisi vessel business development in the future. |
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Revista académica |
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change
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Publisher: Primrose Hall Publishing Group
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Numero ISSN |
22011315 (ISSN)
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