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Resumen |
This paper attempted to analyze the effects of the intangible cultural heritage tourism experience factors to be dealt with in this study on perceived value, satisfaction, and behavioral intention based on the experience economy factors (4Es).As a result of the analysis, first, it was confirmed that esthetic experience, escapist experience, and educational experience, excluding entertainment experience, had a significant positive (+) effect on perceived value. Second, it was confirmed that the perceived value of tourists had a significant positive (+) effect on satisfaction. Third, it was found that entertainment experience, esthetic experience, educational experience, and escapist experience all had a significant positive (+) effect on the satisfaction of tourists satisfaction. Fourth, it was found that satisfaction had a significant positive (+) effect on recommendation intention and revisit intention. Finally, the perceived value did not have a mediating effect in the relationship between entertainment experience and satisfaction, but it was found that there were partial mediating effects in esthetic experience, escapist experience, and satisfaction. And there was a complete mediating effect in the relationship between educational experience and satisfaction |
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Revista académica |
Journal of Tourism and Leisure Research
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