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The objective of this article was to determine the causes that affect the valuation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) as a tourist attraction. It is an investigation with a socio-critical approach that took as its object of study the area of the cemetery of La Paz, Bolivia. The information collection was carried out based on bibliographic review, participant observation, consultations with the population and expert judgment. As a result, five causes that affect the evaluation of the PCI of the area were determined: disorder, citizen insecurity, trade in products from outside the region, lack of hygiene and lack of tourism education.It is concluded that the cultural expressions of the area – food, drink, clothing, gold and silver jewelry, arts, parties and music – are currently undervalued tourist attractions, but through efforts that favor their preservation they can become important tourist resources. These steps must include the joint participation of the population, public institutions and private institutions. |
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MAYA: Administración y Turismo
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