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There has been an increase in the interest in intangible cultural heritage with the emersion of UNESCO-related issues. The designation as world intangible heritage is seen as an international prestige. Unfortunately, it causes overheated competition and rivalry. However, in most cases, the focus is on acquiring the status and prestige, very little on substantial efforts to inherit the intangible heritage. The designation as world intangible heritage is regarded as a great honor, but there is no attention on the fact that the preservation aim of UNESCO intangible heritage is not to fix the archetype‘ but to renew it.Korean intangible cultural heritage system and the UNESCO world intangible heritage agreement differ in their purpose and function, but they must share related objectives. Korean intangible heritage is praised for its variety and richness, possessing unique values. However, intangible heritage with great historical, artistic, academic value does not aim to be the contemporary value and the future value. The problem is that the obsession to the uncertain and vague ‘archetype preservation’ does not allow creative changes. Rather than boasting about the number of designated heritages and outward splendor, there must be efforts to appraise the current transmission reality of intangible heritage and look for creative transmission methods. This paper examined the current transmission situation, the ways for transmission, documentation, education, and spread, and establishment of new transmission environment and recontextualization, and finally, renewal and application based on transmission theory. |
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