
Korean has lost many transmitting basis of traditional culture while undergoing Japanese colonial era and the Korean War. Thus, enacting <Cultural Heritage Protection Act> in 1962 contributed to preserve disappearing traditional culture, and to enhance fostering skill holders in Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereby ICH) those were dissipated consistently. However, since the administrative management of cultural heritage based on cultural heritage system of government organization has been enhanced and as cultural and economic conditions have been improved, critical appraisal and system improvement on ICH system of <Cultural Heritage Protection Act> became cardinal matters gradually.In this article, I personally focus on contemporary studies concerning the transmission of pansori in Gwangju and Jellanam-do area, after the City/Province ICH System was implemented. In the meantime, City/Province ICH did not receive much public attention, compare than Important ICH. Contemporary <Cultural Heritage Protection Act> has been changed continuously as various studies and arguments were reviewed. The improvement of City/Province ICH system would be activated when various studies on City/Province ICH system is discussed in advance. Considering these matters, I would like to contemplate on positive and negative aspects how ICH system effected on the protection and transmission of City/Province ICH.Positive aspects are as follows. Firstly, as <Cultural Heritage Protection Act> protected local ICH, it enabled to discover unveiled ICH inheritors in such areas. Secondly, grasping current status of inheritors becomes easier. Thirdly, permanent documentation and preservation of ICH could be facilitated.Negative aspects are as follows. Firstly, since multiple inheritors of pansori in Gwangju, Jeollanam-do were designated as skill holders of Important ICH, it deflated transmitting activities in these area, where it used to be a primary center of pansori itself. Secondly, cultural power of ICH skill holders occurred the concentration of inheritors, thus the number of local pansori masters' inheritors became diminished spontaneously. Thirdly, as the competition of ICH designation within different provinces, authenticity and values of local ICH skill holders became dwindled. Finally, those above issues have resulted in the discrimination between Important ICH and City/Province ICH.In Conclusion, I understood that the transmission of pansori in Gwangju and Jellanam-do area became inferior after <Cultural Heritage Protection Act> was enacted. In order to overcome these issues, I presented roles of inheritors and local government organization to protect ICH. ICH inheritors need to develop the personal ability as well as sense of duty for protection of local culture. Local government organization also need to prepare the support plan such as vitalizations of cultural policy, job vacancy and assigning administrative officials for local ICH inheritors.

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Revista académica
Journal of Pansori
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