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This paper analyses the experiences of the change in the function of the historic center of Pelourinho, in Salvador, Bahia, and the Our Lady of Navigators Celebration, in Porto Rico, Parana, entailing spatial and identity transformations in both Brazilian localities due to the insertion of their cultural and environmental heritage in the tourist market. The investigation method was of qualitative, descriptive and exploratory and consisted of direct observation and content analysis of media reports, interviews and speeches of oral history. In the two cases examined, based on the concept of governance, there were no democratic and direct community participation in planning and management of the proposed transformation of tangible and intangible heritage. There is still time to involve the actors, hearing communities through the organization of discussion forums and socialization of knowledge meetings, aiming at contributing to the sustainability of tourism and local socioeconomic development. |
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Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo
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