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Resumen |
The article is devoted to the study of whether historical, cultural and tourist attractions can be a factor in the development of territories. The authors examined aspects of cultural tourism. We analyzed the activities of international organizations involved in historical, cultural and tourism issues, in particular, paid a lot of attention to the main UNESCO programs in the field of culture. Namely World Heritage, Intangible Cultural Heritage and Memory of the World. The study showed that historical, cultural and tourist attractions could become a driving factor in the development of territories, but this aspect must be managed at the highest levels. Therefore, the authors developed an algorithm for the development and implementation of a comprehensive program for the development of territories using historical, cultural and tourist attractions. An integrated approach to the formation of the program will allow you to fully and quickly solve tasks, attract specialists from related industries. |
Año de publicación |
Revista académica |
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology
Volumen |
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Publisher: IAEME Publication
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Numero ISSN |
09766480 (ISSN)
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