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Y. Shao J.R. Razali H. Hassan B. Pancultural heritage Education communication
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JF Zhang XY Cai ZX Zhancultural heritage Sustainable development Education questionnaire survey Globalization Cultivation China Fujian
Van Allen, A. (2010). If we build it, will they come?: Changing course in an international institution. International Journal Of The Inclusive Museum, 3, 123-131.
A. Van AllenCulture intangible heritage Education Informal learning Families visitors
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Steven Ashby John SchofieldIntangible cultural heritage Education material culture Folk music Pagan metal
de Prado, J. E. L. (2021). Sign language teaching technological advances and differences in international contexts. International Journal Of Information And Learning Technology, 38, 433-453. (Original work published oct)
Jose de PradoEducation Deaf Disability Sign
Serizawa, S., & Sunami, S. (2019). World Heritage Site as the place for education: the case of the Gango-ji Temple in Japan. Asian Education And Development Studies, 8, 454-462. (Original work published oct)
Satohiro Serizawa Soichiro SunamiJapan Education World heritage Nara Buddhist temple
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Daniel Michon Yehuda KalayVirtual reality intangible heritage Tangible heritage New media Cambodia Education Information science Cybernetics Hinduism Multi-user virtual environment Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) place-making Temple
Rizzo, A., Raheb, E., Whatley, S., Cisneros, R. M., Zanoni, M., Camurri, A., et al. (2018). WhoLoDancE: Whole-body interaction learning for dance education. 2235, 41-50. CEUR-WS. Recuperado de
A. Rizzo El Raheb S. Whatley R.M. Cisneros M. Zanoni A. Camurri V. Viro J.-M. Matos S. Piana M. Buccoli A. Markatzi P. Palacio Even Zohar A. Sarti Y. Ioannidis E.-M. FletcherIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Virtual reality machine learning Digital technologies Learning systems Blending Information Technology Motion capture Education dance Future research directions Learning Project development Whole-body interactions
Cao, M. L. F. (2017). Aletheia: Against oblivion Strategies through art to elaborate emotional memory. What to do with the intangible heritage of the traumatic memory?. Estudios Pedagogicos, 43(4), 147-160, . (Original work published 0 B.C.E.)
M.L.F. Caoheritage Education art Memory Patrimônio Arte Image Educación Imagen Memoria Trauma
Fernández-Cao, M. L. (2017). Aletheia: contra el olvido: Estrategias a través del arte para elaborar la memoria emocional ¿Qué hacer con el patrimonio inmaterial del recuerdo traumático?. Estudios Pedagógicos (Valdivia), 43(4), 147-160, . Recuperado de (Original work published 0 B.C.E.)
Marian Fernández-CaoEducation heritage art Memory Image Educación Memoria Patrimônio Arte Imagen Trauma