Lu, Z. (2019). Improving Viewer Engagement and Communication Efficiency within Non-Entertainment Live Streaming. 162-165. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
Zhicong Lu ACMIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Historic preservation Social media Social networking (online) Computer graphics Knowledge management User interfaces Digital devices Multimedia systems Live streaming Collaborative activities Knowledge sharing Knowledge-sharing Media streaming
Schleider, T., Troncy, R., Ehrhart, T., Dorozynski, M., Rottensteiner, F., Lozano, S., & Cicero, L. (2021). Searching Silk Fabrics by Images Leveraging on Knowledge Graph and Domain Expert Rules. 41-49. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
T. Schleider R. Troncy T. Ehrhart M. Dorozynski F. Rottensteiner Sebastián Lozano Lo Cicerocultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Deep learning Cultural heritages Silk Deep learning Knowledge graph Textiles Silk fabrics Knowledge management Search engines Knowledge graph Knowledge graphs Digital devices Digital tools Domain experts Expert rule Fashion industry image retrieval Image retrieval Knowledge domains
Silva, M., & Teixeira, L. (2020). Developing an eXtended Reality platform for Immersive and Interactive Experiences for Cultural Heritage: Serralves Museum and Coa Archeologic Park. 300-302. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Manuel Silva Luis TeixeiraIntangible cultural heritages Digital humanities cultural heritage Cultural heritages Historic preservation Augmented reality User experience Digital technologies New approaches Digital heritage Digital devices Authoring tool Coa Archeological Park eXtended Reality Immersive and Interactive Experience Interactive contents Platform Serralves Museum
Lu, Z. (2019). Improving Viewer Engagement and Communication Efficiency within Non-Entertainment Live Streaming. 162-165. Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
Zhicong Lu ACMIntangible cultural heritage Intangible cultural heritages Historic preservation Social media Social networking (online) Computer graphics Knowledge management User interfaces Digital devices Multimedia systems Live streaming Collaborative activities Knowledge sharing Knowledge-sharing Media streaming