Yang, C. (2015). Using an "Interpretative Model for Contextual Design of Heritage Landscape Databases: The Case of St Helena Island National Park in Queensland, Australia. Geographical Research, 53, 321-335. https://doi.org/10.1111/1745-5871.12117 (Original work published aug)
Chen Yangcultural heritage stakeholder GIS cultural landscape modeling heritage conservation cultural landscape Australia Queensland database Heritage Landscape Interpretative model Moreton Bay Saint Helena Island St Helena Island
Radosavljevic, U., & Culafic, I. K. (2019). Use of Cultural Heritage for Place Branding in Educational Projects: The Case of Smederevo and Golubac Fortresses on the Danube. Sustainability, 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11195234 (Original work published oct)
Uros Radosavljevic Irena Culaficcultural heritage stakeholder traditional knowledge Sustainable development Sustainability tourism development governance approach Cultural tourism tourist destination local government Serbia Tangible and intangible cultural heritage strategic approach participatory approach Educational projects Danube River esthetics Golubac fortress Inclusive forms of governance and heritage planning Place branding Smederevo Smederevo fortress study method The Danube River Urban development