Wang, Y., & Fu, R. (2020). A Methodological Reflection: Deconstructing Cultural Elements for Enhancing Cross-Cultural Appreciation of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage (Vol. 12215 LNCS). En (Vol. 12215 LNCS). Springer.
Y. Wang R. FuAdversarial networks Algorithm model Artificial intelligence Bamboo Bamboo weaving patterns Blue calico Case-studies Chinese people Co-design Computer graphics Computer image processing Computer science Computer Vision Computers Cotton fabrics Deep learning Design ethnography Digital cultural heritage Employment Evaluation metrics Experience-centred design (ECD) Generative adversarial networks Hci researches Human computer interaction Human computer interaction (HCI) Image generations Image processing Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Intangible cultural heritage regeneration Intangible cultural heritages Jiangxi Province Learning systems machine learning New approaches Pattern designs Practical method Printed patterns Printing and dyeing Research through design (RtD) Stress intensity factors Traditional Chinese painting User satisfaction Weaving patterns