Álvarez-Morales, L., Lopez, M., & Álvarez-Corbacho, Á. (2019). Cathedral acoustics: Bristol Cathedral as a case study. Presentado en. SOCIEDAD ESPANOLA DE ACUSTICA - Spanish Acoustical Society, SEA. Recuperado de https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85084162023&partnerID=40&md5=4ef421419f6faaa22f39afbdc5546c06
L. Álvarez-Morales M. Lopez Á. Álvarez-CorbachoAcoustic environment Acoustic measurements Acoustic noise Acoustic variables control Architectural changes Auralisation Cathedral acoustics In-depth analysis Intangible cultural heritages Reverberation Room impulse response Room impulse response (RIR) Room impulse responses
Girón, S., Álvarez-Morales, L., Galindo, M., & Zamarreño, T. (2017). Acoustic evaluation of the cathedrals of Murcia and Toledo, Spain. Presentado en. International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, IIAV. Recuperado de https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85029419876&partnerID=40&md5=ddb3a286f8906fa9c5920751c3537f5a
S. Girón L. Álvarez-Morales M. Galindo T. ZamarreñoAcoustic environment Acoustic evaluation Architectural acoustics Cathedral acoustics Collective identity Complex buildings cultural identity Historic monument Objective parameters Reverberation Room acoustic parameters Room acoustics
Alvarez-Morales, L., Zamarreno, T., Giron, S., & Galindo, M. (2014). A methodology for the study of the acoustic environment of Catholic cathedrals: Application to the Cathedral of Malaga. Building And Environment, 72, 102-115. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.10.015 (Original work published feb)
Lidia Alvarez-Morales Teofilo Zamarreno Sara Giron Miguel GalindoAcoustic environment Acoustic generators Acoustic parameters Andalucia Architectural acoustics Areas of influences Binaural impulse response Elastic waves Geometrical acoustics intangible heritage Malaga [Andalucia] Reverberation Room acoustics Spain Speech intelligibility Statistical distribution Worship space acoustics building computer simulation methodology three-dimensional modeling wave propagation