Luo, B., Ahmed, S., & Long, C. (2020). Bamboos for weaving and relevant traditional knowledge in Sansui, Southwest China. Journal Of Ethnobiology And Ethnomedicine, 16. (Original work published oct)
Binsheng Luo Selena Ahmed Chunlin LongBamboo diversity Bamboo weaving Bambusa Commerce Culture Ethnic groups Ethnobotany governance Hmong (people) Humans Internet Knowledge Miao ethnic group Phyllostachys Poaceae Rubia cordifolia Traditional handicraft article commercial phenomena cultural anthropology ethnic group ethnobotany government household human Inheritance interview Knowledge nonhuman poverty Sustainable development
Wang, J., Ji, Y., Bai, M., & Cai, Y. (2023). A Framework on Digital Communication of Chinese Traditional Handicraft. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics), 14014 LNCS, 422-437.
Jingjing Wang Yi Ji Minliang Bai Yihui Caicurrent Communication mode Digital communication systems Digital communications Employment Field theory Space dimensions Time dimension Traditional handicraft
Wang, J., Ji, Y., Bai, M., & Cai, Y. (2023). A Framework on Digital Communication of Chinese Traditional Handicraft. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics), 14014 LNCS, 422-437.
Jingjing Wang Yi Ji Minliang Bai Yihui Caicurrent Communication mode Digital communication systems Digital communications Employment Field theory Space dimensions Time dimension Traditional handicraft
Wang, J., Ji, Y., Bai, M., & Cai, Y. (2023). A Framework on Digital Communication of Chinese Traditional Handicraft. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (Including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics), 14014 LNCS, 422-437.
Jingjing Wang Yi Ji Minliang Bai Yihui Caicurrent Communication mode Digital communication systems Digital communications Employment Field theory Space dimensions Time dimension Traditional handicraft