Mochalova, M. A. (2022). Shaman in the Museum: The Experience of Studying the Heritage of an Indigenous Community in a Resource-Type Region. Siberian Historical Research, (4), 195-220, . (Original work published 0 B.C.E.)
M.A. MochalovaHeritage production indigenous culture Nganasan resource region shamanic costume shamanism Taymyr
Mochalova, M. A. (2021). Whom does the singer of the tales sing for? Epic traditions and intangible heritage production in the Altai Republic. Siberian Historical Research-Sibirskie Istoricheskie Issledovaniya, 2021, 184-208.
Maria Mochalova Galaktionov V, SergeyIntangible cultural heritage storytelling Altai people Epic tradition Heritage production
Hamersak, M., & Plese, I. (2018). Heritage on Demand: UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Initiative in Croatian Context. Folklore-Electronic Journal Of Folklore, 74, 129-152.
Marijana Hamersak Iva PleseIntangible cultural heritage UNESCO Croatia Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Heritage production Ethnology and folkloristics